Tuesday, 25 August 2009
Embarrassing Attempt at Spying by Dutch "Spies"
Friday, 21 August 2009
The DDOS: "We are not your enemies!"
Wednesday, 19 August 2009
Russian Spies and the Missile Defence Network
Tuesday, 18 August 2009
"The Russians are Treacherous"
(Title: Old Turkish saying)
Russian Spy Watch has for some time had its eye on America’s Republican Party (Russian:Республиканская партия), a party widely regarded as infested with Russian spies. This is perhaps why today’s news is so aback-taking.
It concerns the Russian Spyish nature of Strobe Talbott, the man who served for seven years as Bill Clinton’s Deputy Secretary of State (DS of S), as well as advisor to the 2008 presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton. This perhaps suggests that the Democratic Party (Russian:Демократическая партия) is almost as prone to Russian infiltration as the Republican one.
Not even we expected DS of S Strobe Talbott to be operating as a Russian Spy-- and we have often been accused of flagrantly overstating the probabilities of people spying for Russia.
The man had infiltrated a respectable list of organisations, including Yale University, Brookings Institution, and TIME magazine, as well as the Democratic Party and of course the Government. Whatever the reader’s leanings regarding the subject of Russian spying, such achievements must be admired.
Impressive Russian Spy Strobe Talbott
Earlier this year, perhaps attempting to turn the tables, the Russian government made a surprise move in accusing the US of operating spies, perhaps to distract attention from its own horrendous spying record. Though these accusations may well be true, we at Russian Spy Watch believe the USAmerica has a long way to go to catch up with Russia in terms of spying.
Monday, 17 August 2009
Russian Spy Watching in London
Sunday, 16 August 2009
Identification, Supervision, Understanding
Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin has this week commemorated his ten years of uninterrupted leadership of the Russian Federation.